Interested in a Commission?

Here is some general information on commissions:

1. Figures, vehicles, or resin terrain should be 25/28mm or 40mm.  I am somewhat flexible in that I may take on a 15mm commission.  Check out #2.

2. I should actually want to paint the figures.  Some figures, even with a great paint job, don’t look great.

3. I may need information on uniforms or other markings.  Please be sure that you can point me towards images on the web or send along some image scans.

4. I’m not cheap.  If you want an economical paint job I suggest you check with the overseas painting elves.

5. The more information I get from you the happier you will be with the end result.

6. I will always send the figures back to you with tracking and insurance.  The small cost of those two service will be added to the bill.

7. Estimates for completion are estimates.  Having said that I know as well as everyone that waiting for figures that should have arrived weeks ago is just plain painful.

8. Prices are quoted per job.  They are not guaranteed for future jobs.

9. I require 50% of the cost up front, plust 50% of the cost plus shipping at the completion of the job.  I will send you images of the painted figures at the completion of the job.

Currently booked through October.  Looking for November commissions.  Contact me at

drferling AT gmail D0t com